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Music Courses

No experience necessary!


All of our courses are designed for beginner musicians. But they don’t stay "beginners" for long. At Music Class a child will learn: Piano/Keyboard Playing, Singing, Theory, Harmony, Rhythm, Note Reading, Ear Training, Composition, Ensemble Playing, Recorder, Guitar and more! Your child will be placed in the Course that corresponds with the age they begin Children's Music Academy


Age: 3 Year old
Course lenght: 9 weeks


A fun introduction to music designed for this age child.

We offer two unique, themed sessions; one in the fall and one in the spring. Parent and child will both enjoy the fun, musically instructive activities. Class length: 45 minutes.


Age: 3 Year old Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten

From start to graduation : 3.5 years


This is This is the prime age for a child to begin their musical training. Children will be introduced to all the music fundamentals through age-appropriate activities in this highly creative and affirming environment. Parents enjoy learning right along with their child and participating in this energetic and fun class. The Junior Course ends with an inspirational and rewarding graduation ceremony.


Age:  1st and 2nd Graders

From start to graduation : 2.5 years

A beginner course designed especially for 6 and 7 years olds. Children will learn the acclaimed music curriculum, however, the program is expedited due the age a child begins the Intermediate Course. Parents participate and experience the joy of watching their child embrace new musical knowledge. Children graduating the Intermediate Course will also end with the same inspirational and rewarding graduation ceremony.




Age:  3rd and 4th Graders

From start to graduation : 2.5 years


A beginner course designed specifically for 3rd and 4th graders. The curriculum adapts to the older child with age-appropriate activities and teaching style. Even at this older age a child’s ear can make great progress in internalizing music. An inspiring, jubilant graduation ceremony concludes this course.




From start to graduation : 2.5 years

This course is for our Music graduates where they gain a deeper understanding of musical concepts and learn to work more independently. This year culminates in a graduation ceremony specifically designed for students who have earned a music masters degree.



Digital Music and Video Games

From start to graduation : 1.5 years

Video game music is the soundtrack or background music accompanying video games. Originally limited to simple melodies by early sound synthesizer technology, video game music has grown to include the same breadth and complexity associated with television and movie soundtracks. While simple synthesizer pieces are still common, game music now can include full orchestral pieces and licensed popular music. Video games can now also generate or alter their soundtrack based on the player's current actions or situation, such as indicating missed actions in rhythm games




We offer performance recitals for our students each year. Students of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to participate as well as parents, relatives, and friends are all welcome.
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